The title of the work – “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend” – is the title of the song performed by Marilyn Monroe in the movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953.). The artwork – “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”– is conceived as a ready made, meant to address and question gender roles, established as social norms and imperatives. It stresses the relationship between idealized/desired female and its role in our patriarchal society and the idea of woman as a active social subject. This art work generates direct communication with its viewers, aspiring to expand their perception and consciousness. The author applied complex art strategies and conducted a theoretical research: the art work relies on a case study which exemplifies (detects and describes) the prescribed status of women in our society. Also, it implements non conventional systems of representation and explores, simultaneously, author’s private internal world and our common (outer) social space. Displaying a personal bag (beauty case) containing a tool used to create stone sculptures, the author is questioning the established gender roles and their imposed limitations, thus forcing the viewer himself/herself to doubt the “essentialist” nature of those roles.