Dina Rončević

Dina Rončević

Dina Roncevic (1984, b.Zagreb, Croatia) made a professional retraining to be a car mechanic as her graduate work on Animation and new media department on Art academy in Zagreb, Croatia (2010). Focusing on issues of socially constructed identity through gender, she continued making performances in which she deconstructs cars or constructs vehicles with girls and women of different age (ANTI Festival, Finland; KvirFem, Austria; Pitchwise, Bosnia; Kocka, Croatia; Oktobarski Salon, Serbia; Fierce, England; Frascati, Netherlands; .perf, Switzerland; Mesto Zensk, Slovenia). In 2012 she participated on CANTE (San Luis Potosi, Mexico) art residency and on ISCP (NY, New York (2013)), as a part of Radoslav Putar Award, that she won as the best young artist in Croatia. She also used embroidery as her medium and worked as a puppet/stop motion animator on a few films. Her recent researches were performed in Frascati theatre (Amsterdam). In 2015, she graduated from Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam (MFA), and she is currently working as a welder in a metal workshop in Amsterdam.