Anastasija Velichkovska(b. 1992, Skopje, Macedonia) is an artist and a freelancer scenographer. In 2015 graduates at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skoje, Macedonia with Bachelor degree of Graphic Arts and Scenography. The same year she had her first solo exhibition at “FLU” galery in Skopje, named “Socially distorted beauty”. In July and August the same exhibition travelled in Europe, visiting alternative cutural spaces.
Her creative opus is characterized by a strong feminine beauty, but on the inside leaves a deep criticism towards the mass-media, conventionality and magazine art. Her works of art are critique of the consumer society, which not just products, they sell values, pictures, concepts about love and sexuality, images about success. They tell us who we are and who we are meant to be, by leaving behind the normal values. Therefore, by contemplating upon the factors that create the socially distorted beauty, we perceive that her artworks exist in emancipation of the political, economical and religious stereotypes, with an accent of the human rights and necessities such as harmony and balance in the autonomic nature. With several artworks from this project, Anastasija was parth of the XI Biennial of Young Artists in Skopje, 2015. She is parth of the art collective Kula, where she has been active with several group exhibitions, work shops and many colloboration works. Anastasija is also parth of the team who is making the multimedial art festival called “Underground, you breath easily”.