History has been written from the position of power in an effort to maintain in the present the existing social relations of exploitation, sexisms, homophobia, transphobia, hierarchies, neo-conservatism, racism, patriarchy, and nationalism.
That there are practically no women in history, or that mainly those who were willing to maintain the social status quo are included, is therefore not coincidental, but proves to be the principal method of maintaining the existing state of inequality. Four partner institutions from Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, and Ireland have thus decided to combine their efforts over the following two-year period and reflect on the feminist intangible cultural heritage.
Women on Women (WoW) focuses on gender equality through the feminist perspective, tracing the legacy of women also from the position of women from different social and cultural environments today. The term women, stands for women, transgender and intersex people.
The project is trying out new models of solidarity and knowledge exchange between different communities and celebrates the achievements of women with nominations, portraits, collective performances, city mappings, social card game, and artistic interventions in the public space as well as by developing artistic programmes that reflect the cultural diversity and reality of contemporary societies. The project will include twenty women of different social, economic, cultural, ethnic, racial, and generational backgrounds, migrants and women from disadvantaged backgrounds, who will be involved in the preparation and realisation of the project’s activities and artistic programmes.
Geographically and politically peripheral countries, where the partners come from, are an especially thriving ground for the politics of fear and exclusion. The project aims to resist this by telling stories that often end up erased, although they are in fact full hope in a different, more inclusive future. Stories that leave us inspired and saying WoW!
The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Commission and runs from 1 September 2019 to 30 August 2021.