Sandra Sterle

Sandra Sterle

Sandra Sterle (Zadar, 1965.) works with film, installation, interventions, photography, net art and performance. Currently is she associate professor of performance and video at the Arts Academy in Split, Croatia.

Graduated from the Academy of Visual Art in Zagreb (1989) and continued her studies at Kunstakademie in Dusseldorf, (1995-96). Lived and worked in Amsterdam and New York. Her works were exhibited in numerous international exhibitions in places like: Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb; Kunsthalle Fridericanum, Kassel; Museum Ludwig, Aachen; Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Arnhem; Gate Foundation, Amsterdam; W139 Gallery, Amsterdam; Museo de Arte & diseno Contemporaneo, Costa Rica; Museo National Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid; Instytut Sztuki Wyspa, Gdansk; Berlin Academy, Berlin; Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde; Fundacio Antoni Tapies, Barcelona; Location1 Gallery, New York; Artist Space, New York