Dragoslava Barzut (Crvenka, Republic of Serbia, 1984) is a writer and activist. She received a degree in comparative literature from the School of Philosophy at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Her collection of short stories, Golden bullet (Narodna biblioteka “Jovan Popović” 2008) was awarded the Đura Đukanov prize in 2012. She received the Carver prize in 2011 for the best short story in the region in the “Izvan koridora” competition. Her poetry and prose has been published in a number of anthologies and journals. She edited the antology A Decent Life – Lesbian Short Stories from former-Yugoslav Countries (Labris 2012) and was one of the editors of a collection of contemporary poetry from Novi Sad, Nešto je u igri (Center for new literature – Neolit, 2008). She worked as a editor of the web portal of Labris (labris.org.rs), a human rights organization that works to eliminate of all forms of violence and discrimination against lesbians and all women in general and to establish a more egalitarian society.